Just a quick notice here, as it confused 'Ghostface_Craven' when he saw it, the main top banner of this forum randomly alternates on each page, so every time you go from one topic to another it will change, on some occasions you may get the same one appear as before, but its nothing to worry about.
GC thought it meant which category he was in.. but its just a random coding.
No, not this time.. its half the reason i modified this skin.. the coding to make it alternate is just a blur to me.. so i used it to my advantage this time.. i can add as many banners as i like.. just that 6 are ok for now..
All 'Scream Trilogy' Trademarks and images are property of their respective owners.
This site is in no way connected to The Weinstein Company/Dimension Films.
Web Development by Tim Wagstaff | GhostFace Font and character logo by Fun World | Used with permission.