Create the scene and place him where you want him, ability to resize and twist and turn each Ghostface Image for desired effect... If you havent got the app and have an iPhone then i reccommend it strongly!

A Social Photo Sharing application
featuring Ghost Face® as seen in
the motion picture Scream4
Combine your favorite photos with one of 20+ dramatic poses of Ghost Face
Move, scale, and edit Ghost Face to create the perfect sighting
Share your sighting with your friends by posting it to your Facebook wall or with the world by reporting it
to the Sightings-GhostFace group
Visit Latest Reports to see your reported sightings along with those from other fansl
Keep up with Scream4 news and trailers with Latest News
Rated 9+ for the following:
Infrequent/Mild Horror/Fear Themes
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Requires iOS 4.2 or later.
Download from Apple.. ... 52127?mt=8