Simple GF Mask Tags and Costume Cards

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Simple GF Mask Tags and Costume Cards

Postby Scream Stalker » Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:50 pm

Although I have only been collecting new Ghost Face merchandise for several months, I have noticed different tags with adds for the stores they are sold in printed on the tag itself. I am assuming this is because the big stores like Walmart, Kmart, Target, etc, won't sell Fun World products without having themselves advertised on the packaging. This means stores like Kmart and Walmart have their own factories make the packaging. It's not that I hate Walmart and Kmart (well okay, actually it is... :oops: ), but places like Walmart sell their GF costumes in little tinny bags and Kmart does not even use bags, allowing the costume to become damaged very easily.:eek: :cry: :-x

I am surprised the companies like Fun World would even allow this extreme disrespect! I've noticed Walmart-customized mask tags, which thankfully did not show up in 2013.:smile: I really don't consider store-customized mask tags collectible.

Thankfully we have one rescource to find normal Fun World-style mask tags and costume bags, PARTY CITY! :-D :-D They seem to sell their GF stock with the same packaging you would find at the Fun World store. This is why I buy ALL of my masks and costumes I can find from Party City, because they have better spirit and don't seem to care for customized packaging. Also another place to find great GF stuff is Walgreens. Older masks from eBay however I do not buy from Party City because clearly you can't find any old stuff in stores these days. Plus it seems Fun World never made their GF stuff with store-customized packaging before 2011. :smile:

Please reply if you think Fun World should stop allowing Walmart+Kmart to sell GF products with customized packaging! gf_chase KComm1

PS: Although I don't consider Walmart and Kmart packaging collectible, it would seem the mask tags from the stores like Walgreens and CVS are the same size as the normal Fun World tags. So I just don't like Walmart/Kmart packaging because they have to make it smaller. Still hate Walmart but love Walgreens+CVS Bottom line: I recommend you to buy Ghost Face products from PARTY CITY, WALGREENS, CVS, and from the FUN WORLD store if open. But never buy from WALMART, KMART, etc.

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Re: Simple GF Mask Tags and Costume Cards

Postby Ghostface » Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:15 am

Fun World don't have a store, they never have done.. they only have a showroom in Manhattan and offices in long island, in Carle place..factories in china make the masks, when it comes to Ghostface being collectable it doesn't matter what tag is on it as long as its real.

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Re: Simple GF Mask Tags and Costume Cards

Postby Scream Stalker » Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:13 am

Well, okay... I guess that's just my opion. I got confused and thought there was some kind of store because people mentioned it on I guess you have to make reservations or something for the showroom.

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Re: Simple GF Mask Tags and Costume Cards

Postby Ghostface » Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:18 pm

I think its for prospective clients and for business meetings to be made in Manhattan, i went to the lobby there and they said anyone has to have an appointment to go up.. and there wasnt anyone there at the time anyway.. its basically a showroom and some offices from what i can gather.

Theres a fun world video at the bottom of the Archive page that shows both places..

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