This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

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This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby nxtgen21 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:13 pm

scene 1

Ext.House - night

Thunder is booming, and rain is pouring down on a house. A phone begins to ring.

Int. House - Night

A woman is in a living room watching television, she gets up and answers the phone.




Hello. (his voice is deep and kinda eerie.) Who is this?


You should know, you did call me.


So, maybe I dialed the wrong number.


So who are you looking for?

The woman begins walking to her bedroom.


A friend.


Well call someone else, I'm busy at the moment.

int. bedroom - night

The woman heads to her closet and she begins to undress. She puts on pajama pants and a tank top. She begins to walk back towards the living room as the phone begins to ring again.


The woman picks up the phone.




(It the same familiar voice)

Hello, is this Clara?


Yes this is her. (she has a confused look on her face) Isn't this the same person that had called before?


Maybe, maybe not, it depends.


On what?


If you are willing to play a game.


What kind?


A guessing game.


(she is looking confused) did you know my name?


You just broke the first rule, only I ask questions. Now here question one. (pauses) Where is Sidney Prescott?]


I donut know, I have not talked to her in some time.


Is that so. Cause i seen her with you just the other day.


What? Are you stalking me.


I don't know you tell me.

Clara begins to talk but then is interrupted by a glass shattering. She screams and then runs to her room and locks the door.


Clara gets into her bedroom. The door is locked. There is an ominous silence in the house. She begins to walk towards the door and opens it slowly. She begins to walk back into the living room and kitchen.

Int. Kitchen - Night

Clara opens up the cabinets in the kitchen and pulls out a box and unlocks it. She pulls out a gun. She stand up as a figure launches at her. They are both on the floor. Clara is panting and the killer gets up and starts moving towards her.


(pulls a voice recorder to his mouth)

Clara, Clara, Clara. All you had to do was answer a simple question, and you could of lived.

Clara is sliding herself across the floor and she is grunting and then she stops.


(turns Clara over and her arm is behind her back)You lose Clara. It was a simple concept, and you lose.

Just as the Killer moves in to stab Clara in the chest, Clara pulls out the gun and shoots the Killer in the chest 3 times and he falls to the ground. Clara begins to make her way to the Killer. She kneels down and goes to unmask the killer, but he stabs her in the chest and she falls down.

the killer gets on top of her.


Clara, you could of lived. All you had to do was tell me where Sidney was.

The Killer is just looking at Clara, and Clara gasps and grabs at the killers mask and it comes off.


(barely able to talk)


Sidney then takes the knife and stabs Clara in the face. Blood floods the floor and Sidney gets up and wipes off the blood.

Scene 2

Fade in, as screams are heard throughout a house.


Sidney flies up out of bed and she is covered in sweat, a man walks into the room.


Sid! Sid! (the man is in a panic)Is everything ok?


Yeah. Just another nightmare.(gives a slight grin)

Dewey sees the look on Sidney's face and he just walks out of the room.

Sidney gets up from her bed and goes into the bathroom. She starts running some bath water.

Int. Sidney Kitchen - Day

Dewey is getting a cup of coffee.

Gale (O.S)

Dewey is is Sidney ok?


(Gale enters putting an earring in as Dewey Begins to talk)

Yeah, she just had another nightmare.


(looks at Dewey)

I'm starting to get really worried about her. Everything seemed fine 8 years ago, but she seems to be getting worse.


I know what you mean, maybe we can talk to her later about getting help later. (He looks at Gale)Why are you all dressed up.

Gale is rushing around looking for something.

She pauses and looks up at Dewey.


Don't tell me you forgot.


Forget what? (awkward silence) Oh, I remember.


Really? So you know that I will be gone for 3 hours.


(turns on the television, to the news station)Why is it again, I'm sorry.


For my interview at the news station. (she sits down and holds Dewey hands) Can you believe it been 8 years and people still talk about what happened.

Dewey is about to reply to Gale statement but then his eyes grow wide as he stares at the television.

Scene 3

The news is turned up as a breaking news story is told.


In latest new, a car was found crashed in the woods. Inside was a body, his body was mutilated. His name is still to be released.

Sidney walks into the kitchen fluffing her hair.


Hey guys. Whats going on? (she looks at the tv and breaks down)


(Gets up and grabs Sidney)

What wrong? Dewey help.

Dewey helps Gale bring Sidney to a chair.


That my dad car. Tears are running down her face.(she looks at Gale and Dewey)

They are about to say something, as the phone rings.


(Looks at Sid and then answers the phone)

Hello? Who is this?


Please put Sidney on this is urgent, I am an officer at Woodsboro police station.

Dewey hands Sidney the phone.


It for you.


(she takes the phone from Dewy hand)



(clicking noise is heard, followed by a familiar creepy voice)

Surprise Sidney.


Who the fuck is this?



Wouldn't you love to know? You know it been exactly 10 years since what last happened?


You are fucking sick, you know that. It over, it been over for 10 Fucking years.

There is a pause, Gale and Dewey are looking very worried. Dewey Picks up anther house phone to hear what happening.


WRONG!! It hasn't been over Sidney, it never gonna be over. Your past is going to haunt you down until....(the killer pauses) until you kill, the true killer.


I did. Roman is dead.


Roman was just a pawn you little bitch. (chuckles again) See you soon Sid.

The Killer hangs up the phone and then Dewey goes to Sid. Gale is on the phone canceling her interview.

Sidney is hysterically crying and Dewey is trying to comfort Sid as Gale comes over.


Sid, it going to be ok. It is over, that was probably just some stupid ass prank.

Gale and Dewey hold Sid.

Fade to Black.

Scene 4

int. police station - evening

Phones are ringing like crazy, and one cop is screaming.


Where is the file on Prescott. I need that file on Prescott.

Someone runs the detective a folder and then she enters an office and sits at her desk.

INT. Detective Office - evening

She opens the folder and begins looking through the file.

While looking through the folder there are various news paper clippings about the woodsboro murders,the murders at the college,and the murders at Hollywood. Pictures of Maureen Prescott, show up.


(picks up the phone)

Get me the number to Sidney Prescott.

scene 5

ext. Sidney's house - evening

Gale and Dewey are getting in the car to leave and they see Sidney standing outside.


Sidney, are you gonna be ok?(she looks back at Dewey)


Yeah, I'll be fine. (gets a slight grin) Tell me how things go.

Dewey and Gale pull away and Sidney is just about to go into the house,but a police car pulls up.

A woman steps out and looks at Sidney.


(shots the door)

Ms. Prescott?


It Sidney, what could I help you with?


I'm Detective Marsh. (walks next to Sidney) I need a few words with you.


Ok.Um lets go inside then.

Fade out

Scene 6

INT. someones house - night

3 teenage girls are sitting around watching Stab 3. They scream as the watch the killer kill someone in the movie. The phone begins to ring, and the girls scream again.

one girl answers the phone.

girl #1



Hello Maureen.


Who is this?


Oh, just an old friend.


(sits next to her friends)

Well who is this then.

Girl #2

Its probably some stalker wanting to meet his true love.


(pushes the girl as they begin to laugh)

Shut up Greta. (pauses) Sorry about that, so who is this?


You know you three look very good tonight.


(shocked look on her face)

What did you say?


I think you hear me.

The girl hangs up the phone.

Girl # 3

Maureen, what wrong?


Greta go check the doors.


(looks confused)



Just do it.


Ok, Beth you come with me.



The girls get up and lock the door, on their way back the phone starts to ring again.


(picks up the phone)

What do you want?


Why did you hang up? I just wanna talk.


We talked enough. Bye.

Maureen hangs up the phone.


Maureen What happening.


I don't know. Some guy is calling here and he knows that there are 3 of us in the house.


Should we call the cops?


No it probably just some prank.

The kitchen lights flick on and the girls scream.


Sorry, I was getting hungry.

The girls laugh it off, as they head into the kitchen.

int. Maureen kitchen -night

The girls are sitting around the table eating.


So do you think there someone really watching us?


No, it probably just some prank.


I don't know, who ever it was seemed to know what we were doing.(she sees the girls get worried) But just as long as we keep the doors locked I know we will be ok.


He probably wants to get into Greta pants.


Shut up, you know he just wants the best.

The girls begin to laugh and then are interrupted by a knock at the door.

Maureen gets up and walks towards the door. She opens the door, but the chain is on. There is no one out there. Maureen walks back into the kitchen.


So who was it? Our secret stalker.


No one was there.


Ooh, it so creepy.


Hey where Beth go?


She said she was going to take a bath.

Scene 7

INT. Maureen Bathroom - night

Water is running and Beth begins to take off her clothes. She takes off her Bra and panties, and gets into the shower. the water runs over her body. She starts to feel a draft. She turns off the water and outs on a towel.

She gets out and notices a window open, she shuts it and goes over to the sink. She is looking for something. She opens up the medicine cabinet. As she shuts it, there is a Ghost face behind her. Before she gets a chance to scream, her face is slammed into the medicine cabinet. Glass and blood fall to the ground and sink. The killer then slits her throat just to make sure she is dead. There is blood on the killer mask.

int. Maureen kitchen - night

the girls stand up as they hear a noise.


What was that?


I don't know. Lets go check on Beth.

The girls begin to make their way towards the bathroom and they slip a little bit. Greta falls and then looks at her hands, there is blood all over them.

She screams as Maureen opens the door. Maureen and Greta Scream as they see Beth Hanging in the bathroom as blood is still dripping out her. Her throat and face and stomach is all cut up. The girls cry and scream and try to make their way to the phone to call the cops.

just as Maureen gets to the phone,it begins to ring.


Help us please, please help us.(she is crying)


Now, now what do we have here. Didn't you like my surprise??


what do you want. (She is crying)


To send a little message to an old old friend. Now listen you cunt, tell your other friend to step outside.


Fuck you asshole.(she hangs up the phone)

Maureen goes to get Greta, but as she gets near her, she sees the killer come up behind her.



Greta turns around and the killer swings his arm out and blood squirts on the killer as Greta falls to the ground and her neck is cut all the way open. The killer kicks Greta in the face, even though she is already dead.

Maureen is crying as she begins to run towards the door. But then she notices that the killer isn't there any more. She begins to walk back to see if anyone is there, and then the lights cut off. She screams and then begins walking back to the door. She falls down as she runs into someone. The killer is walking towards Maureen as she moves backwards.

the killer kicks Maureen in the stomach and face and then gets on top of her.


(brings the voice changer to his mouth)

You are gonna send my message, Maureen.

Maureen tries to fight off the killer but he stabs her in the face and then slices her neck open and then begins carving something into her chest.

Scene 8

int. Sidney house - night

Sidney is crying and Marsh is still telling her something.

Det. Marsh

When we found your fathers body we found a note with his body.(she puts a picture on the table)

Sidney looks at the picture and is shocked not to see a picture of her mother but this time, a picture of her, Randy, Stu, Billy, and Tatum. She turns it over and it says soon.


What this suppose to mean.

as the detective begins to talk Gale and Dewey come through the door. they begin to look worried as they notice the picture and Sidney tears.


(to the detective)

What happening?


(picks up the picture, he begins to cry as he sees his sister in the picture)

Where this come from.

Sidney gets up and walks outside as the detective begins to fill in Gale and Dewey.

Ext. Sidney house - night

Sidney sits on her porch and she just stares out into space as thoughts began to cross her mind. She begins to hear the voices of Stu and Billy, and Roman. She begins to cry. Sidney was strong once but moving back to Woodsboro has made her softer once again.



So do you guys think there is a cop cat killer on the loose?


We don't know. But we feel it be in the best interest if you would all come to the station with me.

The detectives hears her radio going off, and answers.


What going on.


(through the radio)

There been 3 murders in Woodsboro.


what the address?

Dewey and Gale go outside to Sid and Marsh follows still getting the address.

ext. Sidney house - night

Sidney sees the officer run to her car.


Come on Sidney, we have to go with the officer.


What happening?


We will explain on the way.

The 3 get in the car and start to follow the cop.

scene 9
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Re: This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby daltonio823 » Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:28 am

"This isn't a comedy, it's a horror film. People live, people die, and you'd better start running."

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Re: This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby Devils_Reject » Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:33 pm

I think I might do a Scream 4 script sometime...I started one a few years ago but soon lost interest in it (I was about 13)
"Be careful, this is the moment where the supposedly dead killer comes back to life for one last scare"

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Re: This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby nxtgen21 » Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:50 pm

Hey guys, i am beginning to work on the script again, i got caught up with some other work. But i am going to finish this and then repost it. Thanks for the feed back.
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Re: This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby NYYanksNYGiants1981 » Sat May 23, 2009 1:21 am

are you done with the script yet?

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Re: This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby cj13 » Sat May 23, 2009 4:47 am

i loved it!

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Re: This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby Scream527 » Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:56 pm

That was fantastic please write more!

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Re: This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby Ghostface » Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:56 pm

From what i gather, NextGen21 is always quite busy..

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Re: This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby Scream527 » Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:25 pm

She should at least put whatever else she wrote even if it is just a little more for now.

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Re: This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby Ghostface » Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:19 pm

Last time she visited was April, so might be in for a wait.

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Re: This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby Scream527 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:41 am

Yeah I hope she hurrys though lol.

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Re: This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby detectivekincaid » Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:49 pm

When i read the first part about Clara being murdered because she didn't give Sid's whereabouts, my mind went to Cotton Weary's death and thought this script would be boring and just copying off of the last 3 movies. But then to find out it was Sid's dream, it makes perfect sense. Of course her dreams would somewhat copy what has happened in her reality. That's what dreams are. The rest of the script was suspenseful and when i reached the end i wanted more. Great job!
Kincaid - We're dealing with an ordinary, flesh and blood killer. And I know how to handle guys like that.

Sidney - Oh yeah, how?

Kincaid - Catch him... or kill him.

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Re: This is my scream 4 script(part of it as i am not finsihed)

Postby nxtgen21 » Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:41 pm

Hey guys sorry I havnt posted anything, I been so busy lately. And just so you guys know I am a guy not a girl hahaha. I will post more when I can.
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